Monday, January 7, 2013

1st PE assignment : Yoon Eun Kyung

Dear my future roommate,
           To start off, you may not have gotten the best roommate in the world, but at least I have experience living in a dormitory. For all three years in high school, it was compulsory for every student to live in a dormitory inside campus. Two people shared one room and I had five different roommates ever since. So my lifestyle is all about sharing, tolerance, and understanding. If you need help on anything, feel free to ask! I'll always be there for you.
           When we start school, you should prepare yourself to have some fun because every day will be crazy and new. I have a wide range of different hobbies starting from Youtubing to playing lacrosse. So you might often spot me recording myself with my camera or fiddling with the strings on my lacrosse stick. And every other day, intriguing activities will seize my interest that inspires and motivates me into action. I might suddenly announce myself as vegetarian and start living off green plants and fruits. I might even start training my left hand to become ambidextrous. And you will one day see me bursting into the room, with blazing gleams in my eyes and suggesting an absurd project to do with you if, and only if, you are okay with it. What I really wanted to tell you is that I respect other's hobby as much as I adore mine. There will be times when my activities get in your way and trouble you. Then, I beg you to tell me truthfully and directly what is exactly troubling you because often when I am too deeply endorsed into my project, I get dim about my surroundings.
           I haven't got a single clue about what you like, what you hate, whether you peel oranges from the top or the bottom, or whether you take a shower in the morning or at night. But that doesn't matter, because I'm quite flexible (both literally and not literally). I find it delightful every time I meet a person with interesting and different habits, views and values. The process of getting to know someone has always been enjoyable. Listening to other's worries and woes, gossip and outraged complaints is an everyday custom. Maybe it's because I'm more of a listener than a talker. In fact, I'm not much of a talker. And ironically because of that, I am touchy about my privacy. I am very unwilling to share my privacy with anyone. Not just talking about it, but getting my private space infiltrated in any way. Yes, it is quite selfish in a way, but that is the only picky problem that I have. Honestly, I'm not much of a cleaner so I don't mind dirty rooms, untidy closets and scattered cookie crumbs. But I really do mind a lot about my privacy.
           It feels very awkward, writing a letter to my future roommate when I just finished my first year in high school. Life in a university feels distant and unreachable, something like you only see in movies but never experience yourself. But at the prospect of meeting you doesn't worry me at all, but excites me. I really do look forward to the new campus life. Hope to see you soon!

- Eun Kyung Yoon


  1. oh my goodness!!!! I am soo glad I asked you to join Scriptura :D :D :D :D This is one of the best essays I've ever read, and if I were a college administrations officer I'd definitely consider you with great interest :P I looove your perky, unique, energetic tone: it perfectly captures your cheerful spirit and your sense of fun + your 개념있는 side. ^^ I liked the part where you mentioned that you already have dorm experience: that was an interesting and relevant touch I hadn't thought of. :)
    There were a few slightly awkward phrases that might have sounded smoother with different word choices, like:
    "I respect other's hobby as much as I adore mine" -> "I respect others' hobbies" might sound better?
    "with blazing gleams in my eyes" -> "with my eyes blazing" or "with my eyes gleaming"
    " I get dim about my surroundings." -> dim has a connotation of being stupid, which you definitely aren't
    "literally and not literally" -> literally and metaphorically

    But on the whole, it was an awesome essay. I admire you and I wish my writing style was as /alive/ as yours :)

    1. ohhhh thanks!! :D
      yeah I think the phrases that you've corrected sounds much more smoother!that 'll really improve my essay ! thanks again!! :DDD
      gosh I was literally SQUEEZING my brain into writing this!!!
      happy that you liked it!! :)

  2. thanks man
    I would never want to be your roomie too ;)
